
VideotutorialtoenableordisabletheSMB1,SMB2protocolinWindows10indifferentways...StartingwithWindows10FallCreatorsUpdateandWindowsServer, ...,IamkeentoupdatemyolderLinkStationMinitouseSMB2.Eitherbyenablingitifit'salreadyonthere(alreadytriedtousinginternetguidesforsimilar ...,Windows10LTSC版本先前無法讀取QNAPNAS資料,都需要開啟SMB1.0及打下列指令才有辦法讀取資料。SC.EXEconfiglanmanworkstationdepen...

How to enable or disable SMB1, SMB2 protocol in Windows 10

Video tutorial to enable or disable the SMB1, SMB2 protocol in Windows 10 in different ways ... Starting with Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and Windows Server, ...

Samba SMB1SMB2 share issues in Windows 10

I am keen to update my older LinkStation Mini to use SMB2. Either by enabling it if it's already on there (already tried to using internet guides for similar ...


Windows10 LTSC版本先前無法讀取QNAP NAS資料, 都需要開啟SMB1.0及打下列指令才有辦法讀取資料。 SC.EXE config lanmanworkstation depend=bowser/mrxsmb10/nsi

更新至DSM 7 後便無法透過SMB 存取共用資料夾

2022年4月20日 — Windows XP (或較舊版本) 僅支援SMB1,且部分Windows 電腦可能會刻意設定為只能使用SMB1 及NTLMv1。強烈建議您升級至Windows 10 以上的版本,並啟用SMB2 ...

How to detect, enable and disable SMBv1, SMBv2, and ...

2023年5月18日 — Describes how to enable and disable the Server Message Block protocol (SMBv1, SMBv2, and SMBv3) in Windows client and server environments.

如何在Windows 中偵測、啟用和停用SMBv1、SMBv2 和 ...

2023年10月5日 — 如需需要SMB 1.0 的協力廠商清單及其移除需求的更新,請檢閱 SMB1 產品清理中心 。 ... Registry entry: SMB2 REG_DWORD: 0 = Disabled REG_DWORD: 1 ...

How to Enable or Disable SMBv2 in Windows 10 & 11

Open the Powershell and type in Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB2Protocol. You should receive a True in response, meaning you can run SMB2 on your ...

Your System Requires SMB2 or Higher Error on Windows 10

Scroll down to SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support and check that top box. Windows 10 will download any required files and ask you to reboot. SMB2 is now enabled.

Your system requires SMB2 or higher error on Windows 11 ...

2021年10月5日 — For this, you need to first enable SMB 1 protocol and then upgrade it to SMB 2. Start by hitting the WINKEY + I button combinations to launch ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
